Dr. Joyce Norris

(516) 742-2442
403 Willis Avenue
Williston Park, NY 11596
Dr. Joyce Norris offers a full array of chiropractic and nutritional services. You can learn more about our services by reading this section of our website.

Chiropractic adjustments are proven to be a safe and effective alternative treatment for pain and injury. Chiropractors perform 95 percent of all adjustments in the world to correct the subluxations, or misalignments, of the vertebrae in the spine.
Adjustments are performed by applying gentle, firm pressure to a bone to restore the bone to its natural, original position. The important thing to remember is the act of the adjustment frees - not forces - a vertebra to allow it to find its natural position. This is accomplished by the body's innate intelligence and allows the body to continue healing itself.

Kinesio Taping
First used by acupuncturists and chiropractors in Japan, kinesio tape is used by practitioners throughout the world to treat injuries and improve sports performance.
While the use of kinesio taping is often associated with athletes such as Serena Williams, Kerri Walsh and Lance Armstrong, the reality is that kinesio taping is effective for the treatment of a wide variety of problems, not just sports injuries.
Kinesiology taping is used in the treatment of:
Achilles tendonitis • Plantar fasciitis • Jumper's knee (PFS ) • ACL/MCL issues • Rotator cuff • Groin and hamstring pulls • Lower back issues • Shin splints • Tennis and golf elbow• Pain associated with pregnancy • Postural correction

Deep Tissue Therapy
Deep Tissue therapy releases the chronic patterns of tension in the body through deeper pressure on the contracted areas, either following or going across the grain of muscles, tendons and fascia.
It is called deep tissue because it also focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It can help reduce pain, increase range of motion, relieve muscle spasms and improve circulation.

As a nation, many people eat poor-quality foods that are so processed that they lack nutrients. We do not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables. Many of us get our whole grains from instant rice, refined wheat breads, pastas, and cereal. We eat a tremendous amount of prepackaged, pre-made meals. One-quarter of Americans eat at fast food restaurants each day.
Given proper nutrition, the human body has an amazing ability to heal itself! To do so, we need to eat real food, move our bodies (sometimes called 'exercise'), and take high-quality supplements made from whole foods (not synthetic).
It is very common for a holistic doctor to tell a patient to reduce stress, to eat better, or to achieve more balance. However, the sad reality is that not many people know ‘how’ to actually accomplish these tasks.
Dr. Joyce Norris teaches patients the ‘how to’ part of the wellness equation through cooking, nutrition consultation, exercise and stress-reducing techniques.

Therapeutic Exercises
Therapeutic exercises are designed to improve both general strength as well as specifically target weak muscles that need particular attention.
Strengthening is also used to increase stability in joints that have become hypermobile through injury or degenerative disease (arthritis).
Therapeutic exercises (also called "proprioceptive" which means that your body knows where it is supposed to be positioned most efficiently) are prescribed to help with balance issues and to decrease the patient's chance of re-injuring the same joint or body part again.

Pediatric Chiropractic
Although the basic premise for chiropractc care is the same whether the patient is 80 years old or 8 months old, the ever-growing and changing active little bodies of children have distinct needs depending on their stage of development.
Generally, children respond much faster and more profoundly to chiropractic care than adults do. They have not subjected their bodies to the same years of abuse that we have.
There are certain “clues” that chiropractors can watch for to gain more understanding in their care, such as postural changes, breast feeding from only one side, being off-balance, or running with a limp.
There is less force used than on adults and the specific techniques utilized vary depending on the unique needs of individual children and what stage of development they are currently in from new borns to teenagers.